
Human Resources Policy

Company Cement


Company Cement Human Resources Policy

As Firma Çimento, we see human resources as the most valuable asset and believe that the cooperation and contributions of our employees form the basis of the success of our company. Therefore, we dedicate our human resources policy to the utmost focus on ensuring the well-being, development and satisfaction of our employees.

1. Evaluation and Development of Employees

As Firma Çimento, we are committed to constantly evaluating the abilities, competencies and performances of our employees. Our performance management processes are designed to support our employees to maximize their potential and achieve their career goals. We also attach importance to strengthening the skill sets of our employees and encouraging innovative thinking skills by providing continuous training and development opportunities.

2. Fair Employment Practices

We maintain a fair recruitment and promotion policy in our company. We evaluate and hire our employees based on skills, experience and achievement. We also promote diversity and inclusion and strive to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities in our work environment.

3. Occupational Health and Safety

As Firma Çimento, we attach the highest importance to occupational health and safety. To protect the health and safety of our employees, we constantly evaluate risks, organize training and awareness programs, and provide safe working environments by adopting best practices.

4. Employee Relations and Communication

We attach importance to effective communication with our employees to create a collaborative culture. We manage our relationships with our employees based on the principles of transparency, openness and honesty and provide an open communication environment at all levels. We also establish regular feedback mechanisms to listen and take into account employee feedback.

5. Social Responsibility and Social Contribution

As a company, we are aware of our responsibilities towards society and we care about contributing to social development. We actively participate in social responsibility projects, encourage environmentally friendly practices and strive for a sustainable future by collaborating with local communities.

As Firma Çimento, we are committed to keeping the welfare, development and satisfaction of our employees at the highest level. Within the framework of this policy, we aim to create a working environment full of cooperation and fair practices and to enable all our employees to realize their potential.